Different types of Snus and Göteborg's Rapé Lös

goteborgs rape loose snusToday, we will not be visited by any part of Snustopia's ministries! Hurrah!! Instead, we are going to go forward with the difference between Lös snus and Portion snus. We will also review one of the staple snus here in Snustopia, Göteborgs Rapé Lössnus. You may be asking yourself by now "It seems like we took the long way around the lake instead of taking the bridge!". In fact, we did. I took you this way because there may be some in the group that don't know the basics of snus and, it's important to know the basics in order to to enjoy your time here! Without knowing where snus comes from, you wouldn't know that it takes up to 7 days to get it. If you didn't know that snus can last up to a year in the freezer, you wouldn't know that you can save money by buying in bulk and, If we didn't explain how to read the Best Before date on the can, you would be throwing away good snus (which is frowned upon here in Snustopia!). Now that you know the reason for going the long way, let's move on to the 2 different types of snus.

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