Lost in Snuffland!!
- Created on Monday, 13 October 2008 23:23
- Written by ThatSnusGuy
- Hits: 23160
Well, I've got a confession to make. We will be reviewing Skruf Stark Lös today but, I've been across the proverbial pond, in Snuffland, for the last week sampling a relatively forgotten form of smokeless tobacco, Nasal Snuff. As you all may have guessed from reading previous posts and reviews, I tend to throw myself head first and 100% into things I want to try. With nasal snuff, I did just that! For those of you who have not heard of nasal snuff, let me give you the Cliff's notes version of what it is. Nasal Snuff is a powdered form of tobacco that is sniffed, or snuffed, thru the nose where the nicotine is absorbed by the mucous membranes. Snuffs are sometimes flavored with aromas ranging from Vanilla to Chocolate (yes Chocolate which, in my opinion, is awesome!) and and almost every flavor imaginable. Some have a mentholated component added which, if you have Sinusitis as I do, can be soothing and opens the sinuses quite well!