Snus Review: Kardus Cincho 2012 loose snus by Swedish Match, a snus that’s truly one of a kind!
- Created on Wednesday, 28 November 2012 18:35
- Written by ThatSnusGuy
- Hits: 16780
Well Snustopians, it's that time of year again, the holidays! To everyone other than Swedish snus lovers, the holidays mean time with friends and family, brightly colored lights and presents. To Swedish snus lovers however, it means the release of Swedish Match's unique snus offering, Kardus! You may be asking yourselves "Why would snus lovers be so excited about a snus release Snus Guy? What is so special about this Kardus snus?" Well, for one, it's a handmade, hand cut loose snus that typically takes over a year to make, is made from unique tobaccos and spirits and is released in a limited run. It's also a one of a kind snus that is produced once and never repeated. Let's get into the review of this year's offering, Kardus Cincho 2012, and you'll better understand!
General Classic White Mint portion snus, a mint twist on a classic snus!
- Created on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 20:37
- Written by ThatSnusGuy
- Hits: 20011
Well friends, it's that time of year again here in Snustopia! It's beginning to get colder outside, the leaves are almost gone from the trees and everyone is beginning to gear up for Thanksgiving with it's festive feasts, time with family and friends and the ever popular sport of "Black Friday"! While that's here in Snustopia, in Sweden it's time for the snus manufacturers to begin releasing new products! Names like Kardus, Julesnus and General Classic..." WAIT!.....Hey Snus Guy, did you say General Classic? General Classic has always been the same, what gives?"
Kronan snus. The first review of "lower priced" snus brand families!
- Created on Friday, 27 February 2009 15:11
- Written by ThatSnusGuy
- Hits: 34545
While I was sitting in my study this past weekend watching SSNN (Snustopia Satellite News Network) to see how the economy was doing, (yes, my friends, Snustopia is in the same boat as the rest of the world when it comes to the economy) something hit me! I've been reviewing a lot of very popular snus this year that can be a bit pricy if that's all that you're ordering! Grant it; even a can of Nick & Johnny West is still cheaper than a pack of cigarettes in most places! So I decided that I would do my next review on an entire brand of lower priced snus and the brand we'll be reviewing today is Kronan.
General Dry Mint Mini white portion snus. A review of a Swedish snus made for America!
- Created on Friday, 13 February 2009 22:10
- Written by ThatSnusGuy
- Hits: 21781
Well Snustopians, the snus we'll be reviewing today is one that most of you may not have ever heard of, General Dry Mint mini portion snus. I say this because not only is it a new snus, it's a snus that's only available in America! How did I find it? Well, while I was out and about last week, I stopped in at a local Pipe and Tobacco shop here in Snustopia and saw something new.